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Messy party!

When it comes to photography, I like my images "neat" and following a portrait shoot or wedding I spend days checking the details in them... However since having my baby I've learned to (sometimes!) let go and embrace the imperfect, because I have realized that if I managed to capture a cheeky smile on a special holiday or a first time, it doesn't really matter if there's a little distraction on the background. And that's just as well because I've covered a Mess Around party yesterday, and the mess was real!

It -the mess and the fun- was EVERYWHERE! There was not much room for a photographer in the middle of toddlers and parents having a ball, but I'm proud to report myself and my camera made it back home in one piece, phew!

Here are some images of the mischief, straight out the camera as the other thing I have learned since becoming a mum is that our little ones change so quickly when it comes to photos we want them all and we want them now!

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